![Holly Furtick preaching "The Hope Cycle (Holly Furtick)" at Elevation Church Holly Furtick preaching "The Hope Cycle (Holly Furtick)" at Elevation Church](https://www.datocms-assets.com/60661/1660172787-051219_thehopecycle-noflag.jpg)
The Hope Cycle
Holly Furtick
Conversation Starters
Holly doesn’t mind doing dishes. What’s one chore you don’t mind doing around the house?
There are lots of ways we celebrate Mother’s Day. If you were being celebrated, would you rather get flowers, chocolate, or a heartfelt card?
Holly loves to collect coffee mugs. What’s something you love to collect?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
Would you describe yourself as hopeful? On a scale of 1-10, how optimistic are you? (1 is not at all, 10 is extremely)
How would you define hope? Read Romans 5:1-5. How does it challenge or redefine your definition of hope?
The Hope Cycle: we start with hope; we’re guaranteed to have suffering in this life; when we suffer, we must show perseverance; perseverance builds character in us; character produces a stronger hopethan what we started with.
Talk about a time when you went through the cycle. How did you experience each part of it? How did the cycle strengthen your hope?
Overall, where are you in The Hope Cycle right now? What things are influencing the part of the cycle you’re in?
Where in the cycle do you most often get stuck? Why?
When you’re in a challenging part of the cycle, is your focus on looking for God to fix it, or trusting Him? Describe how each of those might look in your life.
What mini-cycles are running in your life? (e.g., bills, relationships, job, etc.) How can knowing our mini-cycles help us focus on trusting God?
Read 1 Samuel 17:32-37. God can use the situations we go through to prepare us for the future — God used many things in David’s life to prepare him to be king. When have you persevered through a situation and God used it to prepare you for something else? How does that encourage you for where you are now in the cycle?
Holly said there are some things that can break or slow down the cycle, like comparison, complaining, or blame. Why do those things get us stuck in suffering? What other things can get us stuck?
There are also some things that can give the cycle momentum, like going to church, or letting the right voices speak into you. What things give you momentum? Why?
Act On It
Draw The Hope Cycle somewhere you’ll see it daily (mirror, phone/computer background, insert in your Bible, etc.) and circle the part of the cycle you’re in. Next to it, write how you need to focus on trusting God, and at least one thing you can use to build momentum and keep from getting stuck.
Worship and Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for always walking with us — we’re so grateful that You can use even the most challenging situations to strengthen our hope. Teach us to focus on your presence no matter what’s going on around us. Help us put our hope and trust in what You’re doing within us instead of what You’re doing around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.