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Elevation Church
Pastor Steven Furtick preaching "The One Who Seeks… Finds!" at Elevation Church

The One Who Seeks… Finds!

Pastor Steven Furtick

July 19, 2023
48min. read

Conversation Starters

  • We’re kicking off the Elevation Nights tour this month where we’ll be visiting eight cities (Chicago, IL Grand Rapids, MI; Indianapolis, IN; Columbus, OH; Washington DC; Reading, PA; Newark, NJ; and Boston, MA). If you could pick one city in the world to visit for a week, which would you choose and why?

  • The ELEVATION RHYTHM album “Growing Pains” just released! What’s your favorite song? If you haven’t listened yet, who was one of your favorite artists to listen to as a teenager?

  • Easter is only two weeks away! Who are you going to invite to church?

Discussion Questions

  • Looking back at your week, name one thing you’re grateful for.

  • Read Ruth 2:3. In this passage, Ruth begins to glean or pick up the grain that the harvesters left behind. Let’s apply this idea of gleaning to our life: Can you name a regret, mistake, or challenging situation in your life that you turned into a lesson and now recognize as the hand of God?

  • Ruth chose to glean even when she was grieving. Can you recall one time in your life when God provided for you during a challenging time?

  • Pastor Steven admits there are times when grumbling has come more naturally to him than gleaning. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being not much, 10 being a lot) how often do you tend to complain? What is one thing you can practically do to see things more positively when you’re tempted to complain?

  • What’s one practical way you can get better at seeing the best in your circumstances, even in difficult or challenging times?

  • Read Matthew 7:7. This passage reminds us that the one who seeks finds. What is one thing you can intentionally seek this week? (Love, peace, joy, financial help, patience, etc.)

  • “Bitter is not a personality type, it’s a decision.” What decision do you need to make about your mindset this week to help you focus more on gleaning than grumbling? (Do you need to stop complaining? Stop being angry at situations you can’t control? Stop asking negative people for advice?)

Act On It

Create a gratitude journal this week. If you already have one, be intentional to list the positive moments that happen each day. Write three things you’re grateful for every day. Thank God for all of the things you’re gleaning from your week and allow that to be your focus.


Father, thank You for everything you allow us to glean in life. Help us be more aware of the times when we want to complain about our day. Remind us of your goodness in those moments and help us shift our mindset this week to find more joy, peace, and love in our day. In Jesus’ name, amen.