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Elevation Church

The Pajamas Are A Prophecy

Pastor Steven Furtick

December 10, 2023
33min. read

Sermon Highlights 

  • “Expect a blessing and accept the mess.”

  • “God is comfortable in our chaos.”

  • God promises that He will: Reach you. Wrap you. Raise you.

  • “If you’re looking for God, look low.”

  • “God doesn’t work in the way that makes the least mess or takes the least time, but in the way that brings Him the most glory.”


  • Luke 2:7-12 - The angel proclaims Christ’s birth to the shepherds.

  • Romans 5:8 - God can reach you wherever you are.

  • Zechariah 4:10 - Don’t despise small beginnings.

  • Micah 5:2 - Prophecy that the savior would be born in Bethlehem.

Sermon Discussion

Conversation Starter 

  • This past Sunday was our Year-End Offering Sunday. Our word as a church for 2024 is “Trust.” What are you trusting for in 2024? Share the word you have chosen for yourself or your family. 

Sermon Reflection

  • What part of the sermon was just for you?

Discussion Questions 

  • “If you’re looking for God, look low.” Share about a time when God reached you in a low season.

  • “Expect a blessing and accept the mess.” What blessing are you trusting God for in the midst of a mess (or obstacle) you’re facing?

Additional Questions 

  • “There’s a development process to everything God does in your life.” Where do you believe God has you developing for something in the future?

  • “God will reach you, wrap you, and raise you.” Which of these are you believing God for this week? How does knowing that God reaches, wraps, and raises us change how you see your current situation?

Prayer Prompt

Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:

Pastor Steven said, “Get excited again for what God can do in your life.” What are you expecting God for that you’re excited about? 

Pray that God will reach each person where they are, wrap them with His care, and continue to raise them to new life.