The Power Of A Place
Jonathan Josephs
Sermon Highlights
Sometimes God’s provision is connected to a place
Preparation, provision, and purpose are connected to a place
If you want to see a move of God, put yourself in a place God is moving
Places you find yourself waiting are places of preparation
God is preparing you for what He’s prepared for you
Before God used them, He moved them
Acts 1:4-9 - The disciples wait in Jerusalem
Acts 2:1-5 - The disciples receive the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem
Matthew 13:1-23 - The parable of the sower
Genesis 40 - Joseph the “dreamer” becomes Joseph the “dream-interpreter”
Luke 15:17 - The prodigal son’s provision had to do with his location
Hebrews 11:8 - Abraham was called to a place
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Jonathan shared about how he loves to watch nature documentaries after church. What’s your favorite “after-church” activity to do?
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“Preparation, provision, and purpose are connected to a place.” Share an example of a place where you’ve experienced God’s power in one of these areas.
“Before God used them, He moved them.” Where do you feel like you're moving out of your comfort zone and into a place of new potential?
Additional Questions
“Places you find yourself waiting are places of preparation.” Where do you feel like you’re in a 'waiting room’ and need to trust it’s a place of preparation?
“Sometimes God’s provision is connected to a place.” Where do you feel positioned for God’s provision, and where do you need to shift your position?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Jonathan said, “The places you find yourself waiting are places of preparation.” What do you have coming this week where you will need to hold onto this as a reminder?
Pray that your eGroup members find God’s strength in their waiting places this week. Encourage them to remember that as they wait, God is preparing them for what He’s prepared for them.