The Room Where It Happens
Tim Somers
Sermon Highlights
“Whatever room you invite Jesus into, miracles can begin to happen.”
“There is a humility that is presented when you fall at the feet of Jesus.”
“Jairus didn’t even have a room, but he began to make room for Jesus.”
“Don’t leave Jesus in the room. Jesus goes wherever faith puts Him.”
“The lie of the enemy is that you have to hit rock bottom to become hungry for the things of God.”
“How do you make room? You keep moving towards God.”
R - Rhythm (daily connection with God)
O - Opportunity (for God to show up)
O - Open up (get vulnerable with God)
M - Move (take a step towards God)
Mark 5:21-43 - Jairus and the woman Jesus healed both make room for Jesus
Hebrews 11:6 - God rewards those who earnestly seek Him
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
What rooms hold significance in your life? (examples: hospital room, living room, room where you met God, etc.)
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“Jairus didn’t even have a room, but he began to make room for Jesus.” What new rhythm is God calling you to make in order to make room for Him?
“Whatever room you invite Jesus into, miracles can begin to happen.” Name 1-2 specific rooms (areas) in your life that you want to invite Jesus into.
Additional Questions
Which of the patterns of R.O.O.M. do you feel compelled to focus on this week?
“The lie of the enemy is that you have to hit rock bottom to become hungry for the things of God.” What would help you grow in your hunger to know God more?
Prayer Prompt
Pastor Tim taught us,“There is a humility that is presented when you fall at the feet of Jesus.”
Ask your eGroup: Where do you need to change your posture to humility and “fall at the feet of Jesus”?
Pray each of your eGroup members will embrace the gift of humility and fall at the feet of Jesus this week. Pray for God to meet them in that place of humility and that each member will feel a renewed closeness to Jesus.