The Year I Saw
Tauren Wells
Conversation Starters
Tauren and his family are from Houston, Texas. If you visited Texas, which of these would you rather visit: The Alamo, The San Antonio Zoo, Space Center Houston, Natural Bridge Caverns, or Guadalupe Mountains National Park?
Tauren shared the story of how he proposed to his wife. What’s the best surprise you’ve ever planned or experienced?
If you could have plane tickets for anywhere in the world, where would you travel?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
Read Isaiah 6:1. Sometimes, God will remove what we thought was strong. What did you think was strong before this year started? (Healthcare, school, finances, marriage, relationships, economy, etc.) (What things did God remove that you were depending on?)
Isaiah saw the king die, but he also saw God. There’s more to see. Sometimes, we get stuck in an isolated narrative where we only see half of what’s true. Give some examples of isolated narratives. What isolated narratives are the easiest to listen to in your life? (How are those affecting you? How can you change them to God-centered narratives?)
Pain can restrict sight. Pain can also produce clarity, though. How have you experienced both of those? What are some ways this year has given you clarity?The thing that is over you has someone over it. What’s something you’ve been through, but you’re not quite over it yet?
Read Colossians 3:1-3. Even when we’re not over something, we can still LOOK over it by having the right focus. How has what you’re not over been controlling you? What can you do to set your mind on things above to help you look over it?
ACTIVITY: List out the things you’ve seen this year that were disappointing or frustrating in a column on the left. Then, in a column on the right, list out how you ALSO SAW the Lord move in those things. Share a few things you wrote down with the group.
Read Isaiah 6:1-8. Isaiah went from “woe to me” to “here I am.” This transformation can only happen when we get touched by the altar. As a group, talk about what it means to be touched by God/the altar. Where in your life do you need that touch?
Act On It
This week, get to an altar. Take a few minutes each day to tell God you want to surrender to His process of transformation, and ask Him to change you. Ask Him to search your heart and reveal how He wants you to grow and transform.
Prayer Requests and Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for being over everything. Bless our eyes this week to see You moving in and above every situation, blessing, and challenge, and help us make the choice to focus on You. In Jesus’ name, amen.