Unschedulable Blessings
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
LOVE Week looks different this year. If people in your group are serving, have them share what they’re doing!
If someone looked at your schedule, what’s the strangest thing they would see on it?
Pastor Steven said 2020 has been “unschedulable.” How would you describe this year in one word?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
On a scale of 1-10, how scheduled is your life? (1 is “what’s a schedule,” 10 is “if it’s not on the schedule, it doesn’t exist”)
Read Acts 1:4-8. God is unschedulable. (Consider discussing other examples from the Bible that show us this.) How have you experienced God being unschedulable this year? What other things have you learned about God’s character this year? (Have you ever had categories for God that He broke out of? Share with the group.)
What kinds of schedules or plans do you make for yourself? (In a week, in a month, in a year, etc.) Do you ever do the same thing for God? (Think about expectations you might have without even realizing it.)
God doesn’t need our schedule. What things are you trying to make happen on your schedule? How are you looking for “details” about God’s schedule? Talk about how these things affect your perspective and your focus.
Read Genesis 12:1-4. God gave Abraham a promise, but then He gave him a process before He blessed him. Has God ever followed a promise with a process in your life? What processes are you in right now (or what’s one you went through recently)? (Why do we need to show up and focus on embracing process — how can that change our need for a schedule? Have you ever followed a process and experienced an unscheduled blessing?)
How have you scheduled time with God in this season? Talk about how that can impact the way you do (or don’t) experience God. (How can scheduling time make us miss when God is trying to talk to us outside our schedule?)
Read Numbers 9:15-23. The Israelites had to focus on how God was moving. What do you think it means to focus on how God is moving? What things get in our way of focusing on that? (Encourage group members to be specific to their own lives.)
In what ways have you focused on a schedule with God instead of His presence? (How does that schedule impact the way you experience God? Has that created time in your day when it’s difficult for you to experience God? Encourage group members to share about some of the great blessings they’ve experienced that weren’t on their schedule.)
Act On It
Open up your schedule to God this week. What can you do to show up in a process, focus on how God is moving, or submit your schedule to Him in another way? Are there ways you can look for God outside your schedule? Share with the group what you’re going to do.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.Father, thank You for the unschedulable blessings You give us. We want to focus more on seeking Your presence instead of asking You to meet our schedule. Give us wisdom to open up our hearts, our lives, and our schedules to what You want to do and when You want to do it. In Jesus’ name, amen.