Who You Talking To?
Pastor Robert Madu
Sermon Highlights
5 Critical Conversations
Heart Of Humility — Let go of your pride
Vision Of Victory — Get your hope again
Know Your Real Enemy — It’s not your brother
Work Your Weapon — Fight with what God’s given you
Throw The Name — Speak the Name of Jesus to your enemy
You can’t knock down Goliath with a heart of pride.
Do you see yourself winning?
You cannot defeat your giant in someone else’s armor.
When someone tells you their history with the enemy, you tell them your history with God.
Most of what we’re fighting isn’t external confrontation, but internal conversation.
1 Samuel 17 — David and Goliath
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
If you had to pick a celebrity voice to be the voice in your head, who would it be?
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“There’s a weapon God has given you to defeat your enemy.” What has God already given you to help you stand firm and defeat the enemy in your life right now?
“Whatever my Father asks of me, my response is, ‘My pleasure.’” Where do you need to take a posture of humility and say yes to God?
Additional Questions
“The frequency of faith: When you hear the same thing as others, but have a different response.” How can you turn your frequency from fear/doubt/frustration to faith this week?
“Do you see yourself winning?” Where do you need to declare victory in your life?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Which of the five critical conversations do you need to have this week?
Pray that your eGroup would tune their hearts to the voice of God this week and that He would change the power of the conversations they have with themselves and with Him.