Work Your Weakness
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Conversation Starters
Feb. 19 was Pastor Steven’s birthday. If you could do anything for your next birthday, what would you want to do?
We repeat a lot of the same thoughts every day. What song could you listen to on repeat?
Pastor Rich’s wife DawnCheré’s “weakness” is online shopping. What’s the last thing you bought online?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the message, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the message, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
When you think of weaknesses, what comes to mind first? Give some examples.
Read 2 Corinthians 12:6-10. Paul mentions a thorn in his flesh to keep him from becoming conceited — Pastor Rich compared that thorn to having a weakness. Share about a weakness you’ve overcome. How did God work in your life during that time?
Many times, once we expose our weakness, shame hits our lives. But secrets make us sick, and we can’t expect someone to encourage what we don’t expose. What’s a weakness you’re currently working on with God (or one you’re aware of but haven’t started working on)? (Pastor Rich talked about “struggling” versus “becoming.” All of us are in the process of becoming who God called us to be — where are you “becoming”?)
Pastor Rich talked about “working our weakness.” What does that mean to you — to “work a weakness”?
“Unanswered prayers are not unmet needs.” What prayers are you grateful God didn’t answer in the past because He was working something better out than you imagined? How does that fuel your faith to continue praying through disappointments you’re currently facing?
“God’s grace fills the space.” Read James 4:6. Pastor Rich spoke about “space” being the difference between where we are and where God is taking us. How can I use God’s grace to fill the space in my life? (What does it look like to practically lean on God in our weakness? e.g., talking to a trusted friend about it, looking up Bible passages to learn what God’s Word says about those challenges, praying deep prayers versus shallow prayers, etc.)
“Pierced for a purpose.” Paul said he was given a thorn to keep him from becoming conceited. Pastor Rich said anything that keeps you humble is a gift from God. Share a time you were humbled by a challenging situation. How can the humility you’ve learned help you work through a current weakness?
Pastor Rich said his kids get to borrow his courage when they’re feeling afraid — we can do the same with our heavenly Father. What do you need to borrow from God today to help you work your weakness? (e.g., courage, peace, strength, endurance, etc.)
Act On It
This week, use prayer to help you work your weakness.
Pray deep. Don’t stay in the shallow end. Ask God to help you recognize your weaknesses, and invite Him into them.
Pray humbly. James 4:6 says God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Anytime you don’t turn to grace, you turn to pride. Let your weaknesses give you greater awareness of God’s grace and strength.
Keep praying. Read Matthew 7:7-8 and let it encourage you to keep knocking.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for using even our weaknesses to bring us closer to You and show us Your grace and strength. Help us become aware of our weaknesses and bring them to You so we can more fully experience Your power and what You want to do through our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.