
Across The Threshold

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

  • When Pastor Jeremy was misbehaving, his dad would say, “If you don’t straighten up… ” What’s a phrase you’d hear as a kid if you were about to get in trouble?
  • Pastor Jeremy’s daughter took some potted meat from a gas station convenience store. What’s your favorite gas station snack?


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • How well do you respond to change? Is change more likely to excite you or frustrate you? (Encourage group members to give examples.)
  • “Change is inevitable, but progress is optional.” What does that mean to you? Share how you’ve seen that truth play out in your life.
  • When change happens, we have a choice to follow God across the threshold into promise or just stay in provision. Give an example of a time when you followed God into promise OR you stayed in provision. What are some things that make it challenging for you to follow Him into promise? (You can use a specific example.)
Read Deuteronomy 8:1-3. What should have taken less than two weeks turned into a 40-year journey because the Israelites didn’t fully believe God’s word to take them into the Promised Land. When we CAN’T see a way out (like the Israelites), we grab at what we CAN see — and that can keep us from moving out of provision and into promise.
  • What promises are you having trouble seeing? How are you trying to satisfy yourself with whatever’s available that you CAN see? (Where are you settling for what’s easy instead of moving forward into what’s right or what’s challenging?)
  • This won’t be easy. Nothing good is easy. Sometimes we go after what’s easy instead of what’s good because we’ve forgotten that Jesus is still in control. Where in your life have you forgotten Jesus is in control? Why?
  • You can’t stay here. We get distracted by things that don’t matter, and we get stuck. We need to “stay in our lane” and go where God has called us to go. Read Psalm 27:4-5. David had “one thing” he was focused on, and having “one thing” can help us stay in our lane. What’s your one thing you’re currently focused on? Talk about how it’s keeping you in your lane or distracting you.
  • Remember you have a promise. Read Deuteronomy 4:29-31. Pastor Jeremy challenged us to see God from “there” — from wherever we are, whether it’s pain, difficulty, mistakes, or whatever challenges we’re facing. What does it mean to you to seek God from “there”? From where do YOU need to seek God?
    • We need to get around someone who’s already been “there.” Who are you following in this season? What can you do to find and follow someone who’s been “there”?

Act On It

Pastor Jeremy’s message challenged us to step across the threshold out of provision and into promise. Take a few minutes to think about your provision and your promise. (Where are you tempted to stay, and what do you feel God is calling you to step into?) Write them down and share them with the group, then keep what you wrote in a place where you can see it each day.
This week, take a step across the threshold toward your promise. Talk with your group over the week about the step you’re taking.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
Father, thank You for loving us too much to want us to stay in Your provision. Give us the courage to step toward the promise You have for us. Show us steps we can take this week toward that promise, and stretch our faith to believe for how we will see You move in response. In Jesus’ name, amen.