
Expiration Date

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

  • Which expired food would you rather eat: cheese, yogurt, or bread?
  • Order these breads from your most to least favorite: sourdough, rye, cinnamon raisin, and french.
  • It’s LOVE Week! What’s the best way for someone to show you love through service? (e.g., cook you a meal, mow your yard, run your errands, etc.)


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • On a scale of 1-10, how trusting are you? How long would you have to know someone to trust them enough to drive your car or to loan them some money?
  • Now on a scale of 1-10, score yourself on how good you are at trusting God. How does your view of Him affect how you act and how you view situations you face?
    • God doesn’t change — only our view of Him changes. Talk about a time when you had to trust God on a different level. What’s something you learned about Him?
    • How are you trusting God now in ways you never thought you’d have to? What challenges are you facing in doing that?
  • Read John 6:48-50. God is enough. Where in your life are you struggling to trust that, or struggling to trust that you’re enough because He’s in you?
  • Share a time when you realized God was enough for you. Why is it easy for us to forget that God is “I am, I was, and I will be”?
  • Read Exodus 16:12-20. The Israelites were attached to how God had done things in the past, so they didn’t recognize how He was providing for them in the present. We can also miss God’s provision if we’re fixated on the future — either because we’re afraid or because we’re hoping for something so badly we don’t see clearly. How could your past or your future be causing you to miss God’s provision in the present?
  • Look again at Exodus 16:20. The Israelites tried to control their situation instead of trusting God for tomorrow, and maggots got into their manna. How are you letting maggots get into your manna? (In what ways are you too worried about tomorrow and not trusting God is enough?)
  • The way we view God, and ultimately the way receive His presence, is determined by our proximity to Him. Think about how your proximity to God has affected your life. Share a time when you were close to God — how was this reflected in your life? (e.g., in your thoughts, actions, relationships, etc.) Share a time you were far from God — how was that reflected in your life?
  • When God changes the form of provision, we often resist it. Where are you uncomfortable or resisting something? How could that situation show you a new level of God’s presence and provision?

Act On It

The Lord’s Prayer asks God to “give us today our daily bread.” Read the prayer and insert what you need into it. Say it each day this week and trust that God is enough, and believe that He will give you the bread you need each day.


Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for having bread for us every single day. You are a good provider, even when You provide for us in unexpected ways. This week, break us free from our attachment to how You’ve moved in the past, and help us turn away from our fixation on the future. Remind us that Your provision is DAILY and that it is always enough, and give us a hunger to seek You as our bread. In Jesus’ name, amen.