
The Blessing Of Both

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

  • Would you rather plant a garden or weed it?
  • What are two pizza toppings that are good by themselves, but they’re even better when you have both together?
  • Pick one of the following, but you have to take BOTH things that come with it: Option A, you get a million dollars, but you have a cold for the next two years; Option B, you can visit any place in the world, but after you get home you can’t leave your house for a month; or Option C, you get one wish, but two words in your wish will be randomly changed to other words before the wish comes true.


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

Explanation and Demonstration
  • Would you rather explain something or demonstrate it? Can you think of an example where both are needed? (e.g., love, math, sports techniques, etc.) 
  • Read James 2:14-17. What’s the difference between explaining faith and demonstrating it? Why do we need both? (e.g., we need to know the “why” behind what we’re doing.)
    • Which one are you doing more of in this season? How can you challenge yourself to grow the other?
Wheat and Weeds
  • What’s the difference between wheat and weeds? Give some examples in your life.
  • Read Matthew 13:24-30. Sometimes, if you try to get weeds out of your life, you’ll tear out the wheat with them. What’s something in your life you’re trying to get rid of? What good things could you accidentally tear out with it?
  • You can celebrate even while you see weeds, because God can use both wheat and weeds. What are some weeds in your life that God has used? (i.e., Share a time when God used something meant to harm you.) How might you miss out on a blessing if you removed your weeds right now? 
Spirit and Structure
  • Describe the difference between spirit and structure. How do they each play a role in our lives? 
  • We need both spirit AND structure in our lives. Which one are you doing better in this season: pursuing God’s Spirit, or setting good structures? Give some examples.
  • Talk about the fruits and the frustrations you’re seeing because of your spirit/structure balance. How do you need to pursue more spirit or structure?
God of Both
  • What’s another “both” Pastor Steven talked about that challenged you? Share with your group how it changed your perspective.

Act On It

  • This week, read Romans 8:28 each day. Reflect on what this scripture is telling you. Thank God for His faithfulness in using ALL things for your good, and challenge yourself to thank Him for how He’ll use the things in your life right now that don’t look good.

Worship and Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in using all things for our good. We lift up to You the weeds and the wheat in our lives — help us focus on sowing so we can leave the sorting to You. Bless our perspectives so we can see in our lives how You are the God of both. In Jesus’ name, amen.